Digging in my attic, I pull out many thoughts, but decide to pick out one topic for this morning. The topic of my faith system. There are many, many beliefs amongst us. It is a strong conviction of mine, not to judge any of them. My belief is not accepted by everyone, but is to some. I believe in God. Many faiths believe there is a "god" who created and is the orb of our being. Many do not believe in a god at all. The God I believe in is described in the Hole Bible. But my God is not just boxed in a book. My God is the ultimate creator of everything that is past, present and future. Therefore, is omni present. "He" is magnificantly Holy. Sin is not allowed in "His" presence. Where love and any kind thing is present, God is involved. Aitheism is one form of non-belief in God. But if an aitheist shows any form of love, then God is present within in them. For you cannot avoid God. Again, I do not condemn, nor judge any faith. My God is the judge of all His creation. He is full of Glory and love for His people.
I cannot help myself to want to honor such a wonderful creator, God, father. For He created me with His loving hands and thoughts. He cares for me and has given me gifts and a plan for my life. In the bible, it states, that the greatest thing we can do amongst one another, is to Love.
As God speaks to me, I listen. Each day I am given an opportunity to live. I want to honor God by obeying the most simplest thing He is asking of me. To Love one another. I do despise hate because it is a form of injustice. Hate hurts. Hate is not of God. Hate separates. Hate kills. I do not want to be involved in hate, it makes my inner being, my flesh, my soul, cry out for justice.
Today's blog is one small example of my belief in God. I also believe in the Trinity. And I do believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. But, for today, my subject was introducing my belief that there is a God, our creator, He dwells in every human, His message is love, and I do not feel worthy to judge any other faith.
Thank you for reading. I pray you have a blessed day and find love in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts on anything I have shared with you today!
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