Anny's Attic Of Collective Thoughts

Welcome! Here I begin a new journey! I look forward to sharing my daily thoughts with you, as there are many!
Come, join me in my topics. They will be an earful and an eye opener to some.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Squash Soup in Pumpkin Bowls

For the bowls: 4 small pumpkins
2 teaspoons sugar
kosher salt

For the soup: 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 small onion - chopped
kosher salt
2 pounds of butternut squash
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons heavy cream
freshly ground pepper
5 cups water

For the toppings:
pumpkin seeds
paprika or chili powder
crisp prosciutto, ham or bacon
fried onions
fresh sage or parsley leaves

1. Make the bowls. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Use a paring knife -cut a large circle around the stem of each pumpkin. Remove the lid and scoop out the seeds and fibers. Sprinkle the inside of each with 1/2 teaspoon each sugar and salt. Place the pumpkins and lids on a baking sheet; roast until tender - 20-25 minutes.

2. Meanwhile make the soup: Cut the squashes in halves, scooping our seeds and fibers. Cook in microwave until tender. While squash is cooling - Melt the 3 tablespoons unsalted butter in a large saucepan over low heat. Add the onion and 1 teaspoon salt. Add fresh or dried thyme - a pinch. Increase the heat and cook, stirring occasionally until the onion is soft, about 5 minutes. Scoop out cooked squash and add to pot along with 1 teaspoon sugar and cook, stirring, until glazed, 3-4 minutes. Add 5 cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer, uncovered, 15 to 20 minutes.

Working in batches - transfer the soup to a blender, crack the lid on occasion to let the steam escape. Puree until smooth. Pour batches into large bowl -until finishing pureeing entire batch. Transfer back to saucepan. Stir in heavy cream. Season with salt and pepper, to desired taste. Ladle soup to individual soup bowls. Add topping as desired.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall Forward?

As Fall approaches we will soon be setting our clocks to fall back. But how many of us are prepared for the long winter months? I suppose if you are from the South -winter can bring a relief from the stifling summer heat - but if you are from the North - you know soon the months of frigid cold will draw you indoors to an almost hibernating state.

This is how the seasons go - we must go forward into the next season - and each season brings change.

Spiritually - how many of us would always want to be in the season of spring and summer and even fall? How many of us truly look forward to that season of long. cold, bitter winter? - with daily shoveling of heaps of snow, temperatures so low that you cannot feel your face, and your vehicle becoming stuck on the smallest spot of ice.

But that is how winter goes. The question is - do we face winter coming -with joy and great expectations - or do we trudge through the long months with feelings of torment and desperate hope of spring?

I love the bible verse -"To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastics 3:1-8.

God created the seasons - every season of life. He gives us the season of winter - not to cause us misery or pain - but for it to be a season of - yes possible hibernation and possible isolation - but also as a season that allows us the time to curl up in front of The Father and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with Him -read His good book -the bible - reflect in the fireplace -Jesus. This season - you can take all those mounds of terrible "snow" and re-create it into something beautiful - a marvelous snow man -or snow angel. Or better yet - put on the pair of skis -called faith - and glide right on top of it -up and over the snowy hills. Put a smile on your face - as you find joy as you speed over the problems of life -of winter. God fully equips us in this season - he gives us the full armour. Would we dress ourselves in a snow storm -with beach attire?

So in this new coming season - as I sense the stirring of change - I know that winter will bring some hardships - I know it will bring some isolation - but if I view it like God views it - He always knows that there is a field filled with sunshine and fresh growing flowers at the end. It is time to unpack the winter attire - the full warm robe of righteousness - and put away the flip flops. Challenges are coming - I must prepare myself -fill my lanterns with oil -open up my book of life -but yet -will totally appreciate the warmth as I sit in front of the fire -God makes really good cocoa to enjoy in the long months. So drink.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Delight The Lord

When I was in my teens I used to do a fun thing with God - I would place my bible on my lap - and ask God to show me a word in the bible that He wanted to speak to me thru. Then I would randomly open to a page and begin to read. Sure enough - He always revealed a word to bless me with for that day.

I still enjoy this fun with God today as I am entering the fall stages of my life. It is a thrill to open the bible and say -speak to me -teach me - what can I learn from you today Lord!

One thing I have learned from God - is that He always speaks gently, in kindness. If I needed a word from Him to correct me in an area of sin - He lets me know lovingly. So many times - I know when I correct my children or husband - my words are not gentle and come out with sharpness that is damaging. I have so much to learn from God - to be more like Him.

Today I am smiling because of what the Lord did for me last night. After tucking in my girls and beginning to relax, I began brainstorming about all the projects I am doing, reviewing the list of things to do, in my mind, what I wanted to do next, what new ideas I could come up with for the orphanage, what I wanted to cook for my husbands Birthday dinner - I actually started to become a bit anxious about it all really! As the stress was building - I decided that I needed to put my hurried thoughts aside and ask the Lord to calm my spirit - to clear my mind - and to take my stress and give me peace. I then picked up my bible and said my usual prayer and then opened it. This is the scripture that my eyes fell on.

Psalm 147:10-11

"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of man;
the Lord delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love."

Do you see how God works? I had been concentrating all day on all the great things I wanted to do for God's Kingdom and thinking about all the plans and was getting stressed. not realizing, one thing I had forgotten to do was regard God in the midst of all of it. Although I was thinking of Him and thanking Him on occasion, I wasn't honestly reverencing Him as sovereign God. Forgetting that God delights in us most - not in what we do - but in how we praise Him and lavish love on Him and focus on Him and letting Him be in charge.

There is nothing wrong with spending time sharpening our skills and increasing our strength by working hard for God, and in fact, our gifts can be used to glorify God. But when we use our skills with no regard to God, they are indeed worth little. It is our fear and trust that God desires. When He has those, then He will use our skills and strengths in ways greater than we can imagine.

But - I am so thankful that God showed me lovingly yesterday - as a subtle reminder - that He delights in the things I am doing - but He gets more delight in seeing me fear and trust Him. It all balances out so nicely when put in that order. And helps to omit much anxiety that comes when we focus on what we are doing more than we are focusing on Him.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love Challenge

Paul writes "If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body up to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing". These are strong and unmistakable words. According to God, we are here to love. Not much else really matters. God assesses our lives based on how we love. But, the word love is so over used and worn out. What does God mean by love? He tells us,

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoings, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. - I Corinthians 13:4-8, 13

But even these words have grown tired and overly familiar, haven't they?

Challenge yourself to do a little exercise with these verses. Take the phrase "Love is patient" and substitute your name for the word love. Do it for every phrase in the passage. I will use my own name as an example.

Rebecca is patient and kind; Rebecca does not envy or boast; Rebecca is not arrogant or rude. Rebecca does not insist on her own way; Rebecca is not irritable or resentful; Rebecca does not rejoice at wrongdoings, Rebecca rejoices in the truth. Rebecca bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Rebecca's love never, hope, and love abide, but to Rebecca, the greatest of these three is love.

In the end of this little exercise - I have to admit - I felt like a liar. If I was represent what love is, then I often fail to love people the way God asks me to do.

Following Christ is not something that can be done half heartedly or on the side or when we feel like it. It must be central to everything we do and are.

In Jesus last commandment to his disciples - he replied "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment" (Matt 22:37-38)

The next commandment says "To love others as much as you love yourself".

Our main focus in life is to obey God. We must obey His greatest commandment - To first love Him with everything inside of us - and secondly to love others just as much. He gives us His instruction on how to do this is - plain and simple language that is easy to understand.

The questions to our selves is "Are we willing to obey God's greatest commandment"? Is it the main focus in our life? Can I replace my name in the scripture above and sincerely say that I meet all the standards of love?

If your answer is -no - that you are not obeying all of God's Word - remember this - God does not want us to feel guilty - He says come to me for all your needs - if we need to learn how to completely love Him and others - He will help us - it begins with repentance and sincere seeking.
The results of true repentance are intimate prayer and study of His word. Thru this - you will find your motivation changes from guilt to love.

A closer, stronger, intimate relationship with God results in a stronger desire to want to obey Him. When you can put your name in that verse - and finally say - yes - I have truly learned how to love - I am obeying God's commandment's - you will begin to see your whole life change before your eyes. Don't give up - Jesus is calling you to Him and He will help.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What kind of love is this?

What kind of love is this
that climbs the hill
that bears the cross
that takes the nails

What kind of love is this
that takes my place
That gives His life
And clears my name

oh' I want to know
what kind of love is this

What kind of love is this
that gives His son
that bears the sin
of everyone

What kind of love is this
that cries alone
that tastes of death
to bring me home

oh' I want to know
what kind of love is this

It Wonderful
Its Glorious
It's full of Grace
And full of Mercy
It's Marvelous
That's what this Love is
That's what God's Love is

What kind of love is this
that fills my soul
that lifts it up
and makes me whole

What kind of love is this
that gives me hope
that dries my tears
and brings me joy

oh' I want to know
what kind of love is this

Jesus, Jesus
He's full of grace
and full of mercy

Jesus, my Jesus
That is what love is
That's what God's love is...

Song by: Phillips, Craig and Dean

Monday, January 17, 2011

Be a woman of Virtue

Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Our entire self - reflects the image of God. We are reflections of God's glory. We will never be totally like God because he is our supreme Creator. But we do have the ability to reflect His character in our love, patience, foregiveness, kindness and faithfulness, compassion.

Knowing that we are made in God's image and thus sharing many of His characteristics -provides a solid basis for self-worth.

Human worth is not based on possessions, achievements, physical attraction, or public acclaim. Instead it is based on being made in God's image. Because we bear God's image, we can feel positive about ourselves. Criticizing and down grading ourselves is criticizing what God has made and the abilities He has given us. Knowing that you are a person of worth helps you love God, know Him personally, and make you a valuable contribution to those around you.

Let us reflect a moment on what it means to be a "valuable contribution" to those around you! Here are some questions to ask yourself - What am I doing with my God given life that contributes to helping others around me? Do I focus so much on buying clothes, purses, shoes, accessories that I have no money left to give to someone in need? Do I spend a lot of time fidgeting about what I am going to wear , how my hair looks - that I do not have enough time in my day to be a help to society or people who need help? Is all my time and energy wrapped up in my self image? And most importantly have I allowed my outward image to become my self identity?

Do any of these things reflect the image of God? Did the poor woman buy herself a new dress or did she give her last two coins to Gods kingdom? How many dresses or shoes are in your closet not being worn - when there are children in the world that get diseases from cuts in their feet from walking around in filth because they do not own one pair? How much money do we spend on makeup - when there are children whose faces are distorted from disease - that people cannot look upon them without concern! What was Christ wearing when He died on the cross - did He look fashionable -wearing the latest trend? or do His bloody stripes and ripped flesh remind us today that He died so that we may have life today and life beyond this earthly life?

God does not want us to feel condemned because we make poor choices about reflecting our true character with all the world adornes and buys. But He wants us to know who we really are! He wants us to reflect what He is - Goodness, love, compassion, a giver not a taker. God is always giving, always loving, always helping, always there for us. Woman are wonderful givers! If we decide to give to the right causes - we really can make a difference in the world. When we put all our giving into ourselves - we only help ourselves.

Its time to rise up as a virtuos woman - and unrobe yourselves of all the wordly fashions and all the pressures you put upon yourself that tells you that your self worth is based upon your looks and what you own. Its time to clean out the closets cluttered with unused items. I believe that if everyone lived in a state of giving and did not go overboard on their spending - there would not be one homeless person or one child in hunger on this earth!

Focus on what God created - this is the real you! Reveal to others that you are filled with compassion, that you are a giver. God only creates beauty - you are Gods shining beauty! You are a woman of God - you stand strong - you were created by a God that wears a crown and a robe of righteousness and rules this entire world and all kingdoms that He created - He gave you a crown to wear - you are His princess - His daughter - be it!