Another wonderful highlight of the school system, is the dress code. Children are covered. If bareness is showing or inappropriate attire is worn, they are sent home. Again, I have not seen the dress code be questioned or rebelliously abused. In the elementary, I see the girls in braids and bows and shirts with puppies and kitties as their theme and boys with boots and their favorite sport themed attire. I have not seen the girls wearing clothing or makeup that makes them look five years older than they really are. My daughter's school peers have been sweet, polite and innocent as they come. The high school children seem to follow with the same respect as they grow year to year.
Personally I am thankful for the dress code. I want my children to know how dressing in an appropriate style helps them remain innocent and child like - while they are still children. They have their adult lives to dress as they please. I do believe keeping a girl covered helps them to be respected and feel safe and secure with their growing bodies. Please share with me your thoughts on school dress codes!
How do you feel about the dress code that your children are to follow? Do you believe that the majority of children respect these rules? Does your child's school waver at any of the rules or are they strict at following? Do you believe that schools should even have a dress code?
Here is the Highlighted Dress Code for the Texas School Children
- Students at all grade levels may wear shorts, but "short shorts" are forbidden. The length of the shorts must be between the knee and mid-thigh.
- Skirts and dresses must also be mid-thigh length or longer. Girls are not allowed to wear skirts or dresses with slits extending above the mid-thigh area.
- Spaghetti straps, leotards and halters as an outer garment are not acceptable. Blouses covering tube tops must be buttoned.
- Earrings are permitted for female students only. No student, male or female, will be allowed to wear jewelry in other pierced areas while at school.
- Visible tattoos are not permitted.
- Students must wear shoes. Steel toe shoes, house slippers, cleats and roller or wheeled shoes are not permitted. In addition, elementary students may not wear flip-flops or heels above one-half inch.
- Sleep wear may not be worn to school.
- Excessively loose or tight garments are not acceptable. All clothing should be appropriately fitted.
- All shirts must be worn so as not to expose the bare chest. Tank tops or undershirts are not to be worn as outer garments. The midriff must not be exposed when a student goes through the normal activities of a school day, including bending, stretching or reaching.
- Male students are not allowed to wear shirts without sleeves.
- Elementary students are not allowed to wear makeup.
- Sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in the school building.
- Sideburns must be trimmed neatly and not extend below the ear. Mustaches and beards are not allowed.
- Hairstyles must be neat, clean and well groomed. Hair that is dyed an unnatural color, such as green and orange, is not permitted.
- Any form of dress that attracts undue attention, disrupts school, is considered gang related or detracts from the learning process is not acceptable. Administration and faculty have the right to consider any current fashion or fad and determine whether it is appropriate or inappropriate for school.