Anny's Attic Of Collective Thoughts

Welcome! Here I begin a new journey! I look forward to sharing my daily thoughts with you, as there are many!
Come, join me in my topics. They will be an earful and an eye opener to some.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An Old American Favorite

Have you ever watched the movie You've Got Mail - starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks?
The movie is based around an old fashioned book store complete with story time for the children, an old bell that rings everytime the door opens, and family owned and operated for many generations - the twist of the story is that the old bookstore is now forced to become competitive to the brand new commercialized book store called Fox Books - that is opening right down the street!

The moral of the story is the question of "is it ethical for a commercial Fox book store to open right down the road - forcing a small family owned store - that has been there for years - to have to close their doors - due to commercial competitiveness"?

In this movie - it has a fairy tale ending. Meg Ryan, the small book owner is forced to close her doors. This is a very sad ending to a store that her family has owned for many years - a closure of her childhood is forced to end - and the doors close with only memories to hold. Although - she falls in love with her competitor - Tom Hanks - and they run Fox books together - her becoming wealthy and in charge of the children's section.

For many small family owned book stores though - there is no fairy tale ending. I experienced the sadness today of an elderly woman who has owned and operated a lovely american book store with her husband for many, years. They are forced to close their doors in October because of many reasons - the cost of living is higher - the cost of rent has sky rocketed. The profits from old, worn, but treasured books, no longer cover the cost of living.

As I walked through the store called, "The Hard-To-Find Bookstore" - I drew in the scent of the old books - my eyes took in the amazement of all that surrounded me - I captured the sight of the old iron stair case leading to a second level of books - an inner smile reached my soul as I noticed the worn chairs in the children's section and thought of the many children that have sat there over the years enjoying the wonderment of a book. I felt the disappointing sinking in my heart and observed the sadness in the eyes of the graying elderly owner as she stated that they would be closing their doors soon.

Book stores such as these - are an american gem! Years of collecting numerous subjected books from learning Italian, history, and romantic novels, cookbooks, memoirs, concerto piano sheets, and sweet children's books of authors like Beatrix Potter - all waiting on dusty shelves to be loved and held by a book lover.

My blog today is about finding a place in your mind - and just remembering - that many old American favorites are old book stores such as the one I came across today - and that they are to be cherished and supported whenever possible because they were and still are a dream of someone that opened their doors to share with everyone the gem of an old book.

If you would like to support the store I mentioned - please visit their website at They are beginning to post books online as a way to continue their dream of selling and have already posted 12,000 books online and have thousands more yet to come. Also, if you are in the Humble Texas area - you can stop in their store at 1307 E. First Street., ste. 101, Humble Texas - phone # 281-446-9663. Visit before their doors close, give a hug, purchase a book, for no longer will the stair case be used, nor the children's chairs sat upon, nor the doorbell rung.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Southern School Dress Code

I must remark that I am most impressed with the Texas School system. Not only are children taught to address an adult beginning with Ms. or Mr., but any disrespect or non courteous manner is taken directly to the principle's office. This usually is not an issue though. The children seem to have been taught these good manners from their parents before their school years have begun, and it is a daily part of their being. How pleasant it is when I walk through the school and be ddressed by the children as ,"Ms. Rebecca", in sweet little southern voices, many of them adorning cowboy boots on their feet.

Another wonderful highlight of the school system, is the dress code. Children are covered. If bareness is showing or inappropriate attire is worn, they are sent home. Again, I have not seen the dress code be questioned or rebelliously abused. In the elementary, I see the girls in braids and bows and shirts with puppies and kitties as their theme and boys with boots and their favorite sport themed attire. I have not seen the girls wearing clothing or makeup that makes them look five years older than they really are. My daughter's school peers have been sweet, polite and innocent as they come. The high school children seem to follow with the same respect as they grow year to year.

Personally I am thankful for the dress code. I want my children to know how dressing in an appropriate style helps them remain innocent and child like - while they are still children. They have their adult lives to dress as they please. I do believe keeping a girl covered helps them to be respected and feel safe and secure with their growing bodies. Please share with me your thoughts on school dress codes!

How do you feel about the dress code that your children are to follow? Do you believe that the majority of children respect these rules? Does your child's school waver at any of the rules or are they strict at following? Do you believe that schools should even have a dress code?

Here is the Highlighted Dress Code for the Texas School Children

- Students at all grade levels may wear shorts, but "short shorts" are forbidden. The length of the shorts must be between the knee and mid-thigh.

- Skirts and dresses must also be mid-thigh length or longer. Girls are not allowed to wear skirts or dresses with slits extending above the mid-thigh area.

- Spaghetti straps, leotards and halters as an outer garment are not acceptable. Blouses covering tube tops must be buttoned.

- Earrings are permitted for female students only. No student, male or female, will be allowed to wear jewelry in other pierced areas while at school.

- Visible tattoos are not permitted.

- Students must wear shoes. Steel toe shoes, house slippers, cleats and roller or wheeled shoes are not permitted. In addition, elementary students may not wear flip-flops or heels above one-half inch.

- Sleep wear may not be worn to school.

- Excessively loose or tight garments are not acceptable. All clothing should be appropriately fitted.

- All shirts must be worn so as not to expose the bare chest. Tank tops or undershirts are not to be worn as outer garments. The midriff must not be exposed when a student goes through the normal activities of a school day, including bending, stretching or reaching.

- Male students are not allowed to wear shirts without sleeves.

- Elementary students are not allowed to wear makeup.

- Sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in the school building.

- Sideburns must be trimmed neatly and not extend below the ear. Mustaches and beards are not allowed.

- Hairstyles must be neat, clean and well groomed. Hair that is dyed an unnatural color, such as green and orange, is not permitted.

- Any form of dress that attracts undue attention, disrupts school, is considered gang related or detracts from the learning process is not acceptable. Administration and faculty have the right to consider any current fashion or fad and determine whether it is appropriate or inappropriate for school.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Great Blog Site For Recipes

Good Morning Blogger Friends! I would like to share one of my favorite blogger sites when I need some great recipes! Chellie is a personal friend of mine and she is a fantastic cook!

If you are looking for some new recipes, ck out her blogsite. It is called "Art From My Table" by Chellie.

Have fun and enjoy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Reaching The Unreached

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy".

As the Fourth of July was just upon us, I ponder on the truths that set our country in place. Our creator established a free America for all to live. His hand upon it, He guides those to protect our freedom. We have many human rights protected by our government. I am satisfied with all of the blessings America has to offer. With this satisfaction though comes a feeling to share what I have been blessed with. Many people are amongst us that live in this free country but have no homes, or jobs, they lack money to support their families with food. Many outreaches are available to them that each of us can support. And as important as it is to help our Americans in need, it is just as important to reach our hands further, outside our protected walls, to every human, in every country. I am proud to be an American because I have the freedom to do this. It is our responsibility to be involved with global outreach. Global outreach brings unity among nations, preventing war, developing trust and peace, building international business support that blesses everyone. America is blessed. I want to share our blessings to the unreached people of this world that have had no help, or not enough. Starvation, disease, and hopelessness strips the character of human life and leaves a nakedness of raw pain.

There are many ministries and churches that are reaching out to poor Americans and desperate international peoples. I am involved in one ministry that fulfills the needs of millions of people in America and all over the world. This ministry was established by an amazing family that pour their lives into helping others. They provide love, support, homes, churches, orphanages, financial support, national disaster relief, medical help and most importantly the spread of salvation. Many poor people in these countries have a short life expectancy and when they receive the word of Gods love for them and embrace salvation, they leave this world with peace and a knowing that they will have eternal life, where all pain is gone.

Harvest Now Inc. is living my American dream. A dream to share our God given blessings with everyone that was created in all the earth. We have much to give when we allow our hearts to grow and stretch out to everyone, and not just ourselves.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

On Silence

"Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today,
Let us begin."

To make possible true inner silence, practice:

Silence of the ears, by listening always to the voice of God and to the cry of the poor and the needy,
closing them to all other voices that come from fallen human nature, such as gossip, tale-bearing,
and uncharitable words;

Silence of the tongue, by praising God and speaking the life-giving Word of God that is the Truth,
that enlightens and inspires, brings peace, hope, and joy, and by refraining from self-defense and
every word that causes darkness, turmoil, pain, and death;

Silence of the mind, by opening it to the truth and knowledge of God in prayer and contemplation,
like Mary who pondered the marvels of the Lord in her heart, and by closing it to all untruths, distractions,
destructive thoughts, rash judgments, false suspicions of others, revengeful thoughts, and desires;

Silence of the heart, by loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and one another as God loves,
and avoiding all selfishness, hatred, envy, jealousy, and greed.

I shall keep the silence of my heart with greater care, so that in the silence of my heart I hear His words
of comfort and from the fullness of my heart I comfort Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poor.

For in the silence and purity of the heart God speaks.

~Words By Mother Teresa~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Dream A World

Today's Blog is inspired by a poem I read. "I Dream A World" By: Langston Hughes.

Growing up in America, his life was surrounded by pure racism. In expression to his life, he wrote poetry. If only life could have been different for him and the many lives that lived with prejudicm. Blacks became slaves in America, dating back in to the early 1600's. That is a long time of bondage. If only it were different then and only if it were different still today...oh' what a world this would be!

I Dream A World
By: Langston Hughes

I dream a world where man
no other man will scorn,
where love will bless the earth
and peace its path adorn
I dream a world where all
will know sweet freedom's way
Where greed no longer saps the soul
nor avarice blights the day.
A world I dream where black and white,
whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth
and every man is free,
Where wretchedness will hang its head
and joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all mankind-
of such I dream, my world!

Thank you for reading today's blog. I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Anny's Faith System

Well Good Morning Blog World!

Digging in my attic, I pull out many thoughts, but decide to pick out one topic for this morning. The topic of my faith system. There are many, many beliefs amongst us. It is a strong conviction of mine, not to judge any of them. My belief is not accepted by everyone, but is to some. I believe in God. Many faiths believe there is a "god" who created and is the orb of our being. Many do not believe in a god at all. The God I believe in is described in the Hole Bible. But my God is not just boxed in a book. My God is the ultimate creator of everything that is past, present and future. Therefore, is omni present. "He" is magnificantly Holy. Sin is not allowed in "His" presence. Where love and any kind thing is present, God is involved. Aitheism is one form of non-belief in God. But if an aitheist shows any form of love, then God is present within in them. For you cannot avoid God. Again, I do not condemn, nor judge any faith. My God is the judge of all His creation. He is full of Glory and love for His people.

I cannot help myself to want to honor such a wonderful creator, God, father. For He created me with His loving hands and thoughts. He cares for me and has given me gifts and a plan for my life. In the bible, it states, that the greatest thing we can do amongst one another, is to Love.
As God speaks to me, I listen. Each day I am given an opportunity to live. I want to honor God by obeying the most simplest thing He is asking of me. To Love one another. I do despise hate because it is a form of injustice. Hate hurts. Hate is not of God. Hate separates. Hate kills. I do not want to be involved in hate, it makes my inner being, my flesh, my soul, cry out for justice.

Today's blog is one small example of my belief in God. I also believe in the Trinity. And I do believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. But, for today, my subject was introducing my belief that there is a God, our creator, He dwells in every human, His message is love, and I do not feel worthy to judge any other faith.

Thank you for reading. I pray you have a blessed day and find love in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts on anything I have shared with you today!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Collective Thoughts

Welcome to my head! How many thoughts can run deep in the mind of a woman! Poetic brain waves of emotions, deep thoughts, selfish thoughts, desires, dreams. As I begin this journey of blogging, I look forward to channeling my daily thoughts with you and invite you to share yours. But, for tonight, my mind must rest and await for tomorrow. Good night for now world! Fino a domani!